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The Hidden Power of Link Building in Increasing Cryptocurrency SEO

Cryptocurrency is the new gold standard, with a lot of potential as an investment and a means of exchange. Consequently, search engines now routinely crawl sites to determine how they present information. The key is to create unique content that draws in natural user intent. But how do you effectively rank for terms like “cryptocurrency” and other similar-sounding queries? 


With niche keyword content, specifically link building, comes higher visibility for your site in relevant searches. In this article, we explore why link building is so essential for cryptocurrency websites, how to execute link-building strategies properly, and strategies that are effective at different stages of the link-building process.

What is link building?

When you optimize a cryptocurrency website for search engines, you’re not just deciding on the best crypto currency for cryptoexchanges but also creating content for humans to consume. SEO, which stands for “search engine optimization,” is just one piece of the puzzle. Another equally crucial aspect of online marketing is link building, which aims to improve a site’s position in search engine results by creating relationships with other websites. 


Link building is any kind of content marketing that involves the collection and distribution of links to other websites. Unlike blog content, link building is considered “unnatural” and “unethical” by the majority of SEOists. You shouldn’t try to manipulate search engines by buying links or by paying other websites to rank your site higher. 


Link building is considered a legitimate strategy only when you use it to earn backlinks to your site from other websites that you find interesting and respect. Then, you’re more than likely earning valuable links to boost your authority and help your site rank higher for keywords that are relevant to your business. 


While links from other sites may not improve your site’s rank directly, they can help you rise to the top of the rankings. More links to your site mean more chances your content will be displayed to the right person at the right time. In this way, link building is one of the most important aspects of SEO.

Why is link building influential for cryptocurrency websites?

As a new asset class, cryptocurrencies are a little behind the curve when it comes to the internet. The search engines are only beginning to crawl sites for cryptocurrency-specific content. Moreover, because most people aren’t familiar with cryptocurrencies, they’ll only search for these terms if they’re looking for information, not buying or trading cryptocurrencies themselves. As a result, there are a lot of people who are looking for information and don’t know where to turn, whether they’re interested in investing, trading, or just curious about the technology. If you can get your content in front of these people, you can increase your audience and your bottom line.


The crucial thing about link building for cryptocurrency websites is that it’s not about earning more traffic or new leads. The main objective of link building is to boost the overall number of backlinks your website has by including some of these links in your content. This is because Google and other major search engines treat backlinks like votes. When you have numerous strong links, your content and site are given a higher level of importance on the internet. 


In turn, this results in better rankings, increased traffic, and increased chances of being found by potential customers. Google now treats backlinks to your site as votes for your content. That is why link building is indispensable for cryptocurrency websites. It increases your site’s visibility and relevance on the internet. This can lead to more targeted traffic, more sales, and more profit.

Strategies for link building in cryptocurrency SEO

To successfully boost your cryptocurrency SEO, you’ll need a variety of link-building strategies. The most important ones are: 


Factors that determine the effectiveness of link-building strategies

There are a variety of techniques when it comes to link building. Some are more successful than others, largely dependent on a few factors: 


The 3 stages of a successful link-building campaign

During a successful link-building campaign, you’ll want to focus on each stage of the process. This helps you maximize the number of links your site receives and boosts your chances of ranking higher in Google’s search results. 


Strategies for later in the link-building process

As you near the end of your link-building campaign, you might consider one or more of the following strategies: 


Wrapping up: What you should take away from this article

When it comes to cryptocurrency SEO, link building is one of the crucial tactics you can employ.  When done well, it can help your website rank better in Google’s search results and boost its overall visibility. Successful link building can also help you earn more sales, earn more profit, and increase your crypto website’s traffic. SEOists often advise against buying links, but this is not the case for cryptocurrency websites. Instead, you can earn links to your site from high-quality websites by including a link to them in your content.


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