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Ripple’s Chief Legal Officer Expects Potential SEC Appeal

Ripple’s Legal Win: Implications for the Crypto Industry and Future SEC Appeals

During a recent conversation with securities law professor J.W. Verret, Stuart Alderoty, Ripple’s top lawyer, stated that he wouldn’t be surprised if the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) decides to appeal the recent court ruling regarding Ripple and its affiliated token, XRP. However, Alderoty made it clear that XRP’s legal status as a non-security would not be affected by any potential appeal.

As reported by U.Today, Judge Analisa Torres concluded that the secondary sales of XRP were not securities, a decision Alderoty believes is steadfast. "That is the law of the land, and that does not change even if the SEC appeals," Alderoty emphasized.

Analysis of Ripple’s Legal Status Amid Potential SEC Appeal

Judge Analisa Torres’s Ruling

Judge Torres’s ruling is a landmark decision in the ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the SEC. The court determined that XRP’s secondary market sales do not meet the criteria for securities. This ruling is significant because it differentiates between how the token is distributed and its subsequent sales, impacting not just Ripple but the broader cryptocurrency industry.

Impact on XRP’s Legal Status

Alderoty asserts that XRP’s non-security status is now the law of the land. This is critical for Ripple and other stakeholders, as it provides legal clarity and a framework for operating within the U.S. regulatory environment. Even if the SEC appeals, the fundamental decision by Judge Torres is unlikely to change, providing a level of stability for XRP holders and the crypto market as a whole.

Ripple’s Response to the Ruling and its Implications

Financial Penalty and Corporate Response

Earlier this month, Judge Torres issued a final judgment ordering Ripple to pay $125 million in penalties. Despite this substantial fine, Ripple framed the outcome as a victory over the SEC, showcasing their resilience and determination to challenge regulatory hurdles.

Alderoty’s Remarks on CNBC

Following the ruling, Alderoty appeared on CNBC, declaring that the SEC had lost on all significant points that mattered to them. He highlighted the agency’s 60-day window to pursue an appeal, indicating Ripple’s preparedness to face further legal challenges.

Broader Impact on the Crypto Industry

Comparison with Coinbase’s Legal Battle

As reported by U.Today, Elliott Stein, Bloomberg’s senior litigation analyst, noted that Ripple’s case could positively influence Coinbase’s own legal struggles with the SEC. The precedent set by Judge Torres’s ruling presents a compelling argument for other crypto companies facing similar actions from regulatory bodies.

Ripple’s Win and its Impact on Regulatory Landscape

Alderoty predicted that the court’s ruling would have a "tremendous impact" on the broader crypto industry. He argued that the SEC’s aggressive stance on cryptocurrencies had deviated from its core mission. Ripple’s legal victory could usher in a new era for the crypto industry, allowing it to move past SEC litigations and focus on innovation and growth.


What was the main outcome of Judge Analisa Torres’s ruling on Ripple?

Judge Torres ruled that the secondary sales of Ripple’s XRP token are not considered securities, thereby providing legal clarity on its status.

Will the SEC’s potential appeal change XRP’s non-security status?

According to Stuart Alderoty, Ripple’s lead counsel, XRP’s status as a non-security is firmly established as the "law of the land" and will not change, even with an SEC appeal.

How did Ripple react to the $125 million penalty imposed by the court?

Ripple viewed the outcome as a victory over the SEC, despite the hefty fine, and remains confident in its legal standing.

Could Ripple’s legal win impact other crypto companies?

Yes, analysts believe the ruling could positively affect other companies like Coinbase, which are currently engaged in legal battles with the SEC.

What are the broader implications of Ripple’s case for the crypto industry?

The ruling could significantly impact the crypto regulatory landscape, encouraging the industry to move forward with greater legal certainty and less regulatory intervention.


Ripple’s legal victory against the SEC marks a pivotal moment for the company and the broader cryptocurrency industry. Despite the SEC’s potential appeal, XRP’s non-security status appears secure, providing a stable legal foundation for Ripple. This case sets a valuable precedent that could influence ongoing and future regulatory battles, potentially shifting the regulatory environment to be more favorable for the crypto industry.

For further information on the regulatory environment and the impacts of court rulings on the crypto industry, visit CoinDesk or Bloomberg.

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